Did you know it’s possible to learn about ancient artifacts through geochemistry? Even though pieces of glass or pottery fragments may be found centuries after their construction, through careful study, it’s possible to understand when and where they were originally made.
Geochemistry is the study of the chemical composition of rocks, minerals, and earth. The composition of the soil and rock formations found on the earth vary from location to location. For example, the earth found in Africa may be plagued with alkalinity problems while soil in Central America may be less acidic. Because ancient glass is typically found in the ground, dirt samples can be taken from the archeological findings.
Based on the contents of the earth found on the glass fragments and the contents of the glass itself, scientists can better understand the lifestyle and culture in regards to certain areas of the world. The more that we learn, the better we can understand those who came before us and learn more about the changes occurring within the soil.
For over 50 years, National Petrographic Service, Inc. has provided various petrographic analysis services. Our experienced team specializes in concrete analysis, petrographic thin sections, kerogen quality, vitrinite maturity, and more. We are committed to providing outstanding customer service to each of our clients. Whether you’re in need of biostratigraphy material preparation or a Rock-Eval 6 Pyrolysis, we’re equipped to handle even the most challenging projects. With competitive rates and a rapid turnaround time, National Petrographic Service, Inc. is your place for cutting edge analysis.
Learn more about our various services by visiting www.nationalpetrographic.com.